Monday, January 25, 2010

New Zealand and the wrap up of it.

My time in New Zealand is coming to an end, at least for now, and tomorrow I will be setting off to Sydney. I will take away a lot from here and hope that it will reflect in my personality on my return home. I cannot say that over the past two months I haven’t experienced several WTF moments that shook me to my core, but I can say that I feel more prepared for life because of them. Although I may not have found the meaning to life, or found a trip without the help of my family easier, but I do feel as though I have matured in certain aspects of my life. Over the past two months I have experienced and seen things that unfortunately not everyone on the planet will have the privilege of doing. I have realized that although it is ok to overstep or over estimate your potential it can be quite dangerous, please site demoralized by doom for more details. At the same time I have realized that it is equally dangerous to under estimate your potential and to waste time hoping that something will get better as opposed to doing something about it. Certain things have happened over the course of two months that have made me realize where I have come from and where I hope to go and to appreciate the things in life that shape the person I am today. With my upcoming adventures to Australia and South East Asia, I hope that I can carry over some of these life lessons, as communication with the people I care about most will become increasingly difficult and financially troublesome. This scares me a lot but at the same time it forces me to accept reality and realize that I can’t always call my sister for advice in times of need, or Matthew for that matter, thanks for the skype today buddy! At the same time it excites me, I will have to become more reliant on myself, and the other people I am traveling with to overcome the obstacles that may arise over the next month. I am not expecting to come back home with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, nor am I expecting to come back home feeling like all I did was look at things and take pictures. I hope instead to come back home with a little more confidence in myself, and my abilities as a person. For instance, I know most of you are aware that 6am only sees my beautiful eyes if I am awake all night. However; down here I have been forcing myself to wake up earlier and earlier in hopes of NEVER missing another bus again. Although this is trivial in comparison to other things I’ve learned, it makes me feel like I have taken, if only, one step closer to becoming “A grown up”! I hope that you have all enjoyed my blog while I have been in New Zealand and what everyone to know just how much I appreciate all of the help they have given me, not only while I have been down here, but over all the years I have known any of you. Updates:

The past few days I have spent in Christchurch and for some reason I have a disdain for this place. I have visited the museums, seen the botanical gardens, and even sampled the local brews. That being said, I spent the last two days planning out the rest of my trip, gaining some closure on matters, and watching the New Orleans Saints make Brett Favre cry!! To all that witnessed this monumental occasion I hope you realized just what you were watching. I had an English traveler yelling at me for getting in the way of the game after I explained to her the epic battle that was taking place. I leave here tomorrow around noon or so and should get into Sydney tomorrow night. I hope to have a Koala bear in my arms in the next 48 hours. Again thank you for reading and thank you for your comments. Un

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