Thursday, November 26, 2009

And so it begins

If you haven't already heard, I am setting off on a little bit of adventure on Dec 2 to New Zealand! It is and will probably be the boldest thing I have ever done, in my eyes at least. I have been doing little to no preparations and have recently decided I should try out packing. After many four letter words I have decided that I am awful at packing and that I should probably leave it to the and dad. This blog will most likely pail in comparison to my brilliant cousin Matthew, for those of you who know him, but I will try and hold my own and at least keep it up! The trip is going to make New Zealand my "home base", and I will be making a trip or two to Australia. I am also hoping, praying really, that I can take a trip to Antarctica and scratch off another continent from my list. So here it is guys, a short, more than likely grammatically incorrect, view into what is to become my extended stay in another world. I hope you enjoy, and if not please hold all comments until I return to the states and will no longer be reading over my love child of a blog. If whilst on my travels anyone has any suggestions of things I should do I would be happy to read them and will do my best to incorporate them into my trip.